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The girl behind the idea



My name is Roshana. I am 14 years old and was recently diagnosed with scoliosis in 2022.

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that results in the spine curving in either a C shape or an S shape. This condition is rare, and professionals are still unsure of the diagnosis.

The only way for me to prevent the curve from continuing is to have surgery, which involves a metal rod being put into my back to straighten my spine. However, this is not a guaranteed fix, and the curve could come back. With this condition comes a lot of pain and discomfort, which sadly will be lifelong as the surgery is not a cure for pain. living with scoliosis, one of my coping mechanisms is to share my journey with others and raise awareness by helping people identify scoliosis at an early stage. I explain what the signs could be, the process of surgery, and the coping strategies that helped me.

Unfortunately, I caught my scoliosis quite late, which meant that surgery was the only option. If my mum or I had known about this condition sooner and the signs to look out for, we may have been able to try alternative options like physio or a brace to try and straighten the spine.

There is minimal information in GPS surgery, health clinics, or schools to educate us about conditions to look out for, especially in adolescents. This brings me to why I want to do more so that others don’t have to face what I face when we are meant to be enjoying life.

since being diagnosed ive put my goal into action. i have now started my own nonprofit called scoliosishood which aims to help people with recent diagnosis' and connect with the scoliosis community. Iam now distrbuting Care packages for people with scoliosisto spread some cheer and also give more information about the condition. 


Welcome to scoliosishood and thank you for reading! 

Thank you for reading !

what is scoliosis

Scoliosis is a medical condition characterised by an abnormal curvature of the spine. In a healthy spine, it should appear straight when viewed from the back. However, in individuals with scoliosis, the spine curves to the side, forming a C-shape or an S-shape.

Scoliosis can affect people of all ages, but it is most commonly diagnosed in children between the ages of 9 and 15. Girls are also more likely to develop scoliosis than boys.

The causes of scoliosis are still not entirely understood, but it can be linked to genetic factors, neuromuscular conditions, and certain medical conditions. The symptoms of scoliosis can vary depending on the severity of the curvature, but they may include:

  • Uneven shoulder or hip heights

  • One shoulder blade appears more prominent than the other

  • A visible curve in the spine

  • Back pain or discomfort

In some cases, scoliosis may require treatment, such as wearing a back brace or undergoing surgery.

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